personalised movement,
health and wellness.
I help people make sustainable lifestyle changes
to improve their health, energy and happiness.
Online services provided - contact me to find out more
personalised movement,
health and wellness.
I help people make sustainable lifestyle changes
to improve their health, energy and happiness.
'Health' is more than just exercise.
physical. mental. emotional. spiritual.
Personalised Movement Coaching
Personalised just for you.
Workplace Wellness
Make your workplace happier, healthier and more productive.
Lifestyle Reset
Comprehensive 360degree health.
Make the first step now
Health and Wellbeing
Extreme exercise is out – it’s all about slow fitness
The primary belief within the fitness industry seems to be that if something is good, then more of it is better. More weight, more reps, more often.
Emotional Eating vs Mindful Eating
We know we need food to provide us with nourishment and energy and to satisfy hunger but oftentimes we also use food as a way to deal with stress and difficult emotions.
When Health Becomes Unhealthy
What can start out as a healthy interest in healthy food, exercise and lifestyle can quickly spiral out of control into a case of ‘orthorexia’.
Why we self-sabotage our health goals
So, you’ve set your health goals for the year and you know what you need to do to get there. Sometimes it seems the only thing in your way is you.
Taking time out
It’s so easy to get all caught up in our work or ‘stuff’ we forget how important it is to take some time out for ourselves.
The problem with planks
While there are specific reasons to opt for a static plank, there’s more reasons to stay away from planks and choose other core exercises.