personalised movement,
health and wellness.

I help people make sustainable lifestyle changes
to improve their health, energy and happiness.

Online services provided - contact me to find out more

personalised movement,
health and wellness.

I help people make sustainable lifestyle changes
to improve their health, energy and happiness.

'Health' is more than just exercise.

physical. mental. emotional. spiritual.

Personalised Movement Coaching


Personalised just for you.

Workplace Wellness


Make your workplace happier, healthier and more productive.

Lifestyle Reset


Comprehensive 360degree health.

Make the first step now

Health and Wellbeing


Looking after your gut

If your digestive system is less than optimal, it can start to influence lots of other stuff in your body

bad good

Were you ‘bad’ today?

The problem with considering our food, and ourselves, as ‘good’ and ‘bad’


Uninspired by Fitspiration

We all need a little motivation or inspiration to exercise, do healthy stuff and look after ourselves better.


Sitting is the new smoking

Studies are showing that the effects of prolonged sitting are not reversible through exercise or other good habits.


Making change stick

It’s often said it takes 21 – 28 days to form a habit. If you’ve ever tried to make, break or change a habit, and chances are you have, you’ll know there’s more to it than that.


Get going in the mornings

If you want a fulfilling and happy life, your morning routine or ritual is the place to start


The rise of primal movement

It’s time to…. move like an Animal!


Do you get enough sleep?

Two hours of sleep before midnight is worth four hours of sleep after midnight to your adrenals.


Going Primal

Our bodies want to move, but how should we be moving?