personalised movement,
health and wellness.

I help people make sustainable lifestyle changes
to improve their health, energy and happiness.

Online services provided - contact me to find out more

personalised movement,
health and wellness.

I help people make sustainable lifestyle changes
to improve their health, energy and happiness.

'Health' is more than just exercise.

physical. mental. emotional. spiritual.

Personalised Movement Coaching


Personalised just for you.

Workplace Wellness


Make your workplace happier, healthier and more productive.

Lifestyle Reset


Comprehensive 360degree health.

Make the first step now

Health and Wellbeing


Exercising at home

Some things to consider for a balanced strength based routine from home instead of just throwing in every body weight movement you can think of.


Finding routine and structure in uncertain times

How many times have you woken up and wished that you didn’t have to go to work? 

self care

Real Self-Care

Its been said that a world in which self-care has to be such a trendy topic is a world that is sick.

stones 2

A resolution revolution

If resolutions haven’t worked for you in the past, maybe it’s time for a resolution revolution.


Avoiding Digital Distractions

We’re a distracted workforce these days and it’s adversely affecting our workplace productivity, getting in the way of what we want to achieve each day.


Thank your body

When was the last time you thanked your body?


Are your thoughts making you sick?

While it’s true that we can’t change our genes, there’s evidence suggesting that we have more control over our fate than we previously believed. 


How your fitness tracker sabotages your health

While there’s a whole bunch of fitness trackers to track your food and exercise ostensibly to help you stick to your healthy habits and reach your goals faster, there’s a few things that could also be happening to stop you in your tracks.


Are you being defined by your job?

When you’re asked, ‘who are you’ or ‘what do you do’, how do you respond? Its such a common conversation starter and while we can answer in many different ways, we usually end up talking about what we do for a living.